Mental Health and the Pandemic Lockdowns

4 min readNov 19, 2020
man slumped in corner of room by window bright sunlight
Image credit: Fernando @cferdo | Unsplash

With many countries facing second waves and putting out efforts to get things under control, it is understandable that mental health has taken a dip for everyone. People have been stripped of a functioning new lifestyle. Random clusters detected all over every country, state, and city has increased anxiety on venturing out.

Prolonged uncertainty and unpredictability of what the next and last month of the year has yet to bring is an exhausting ordeal. Old habits (some bad) may have already threatened to resurface. Anxiety, stress and depression had barely time to recover from the first wave.

Here are some tips to help you manage the lockdown stress!

1. The Runner’s High.

woman doing a yoga stretch in sunset sky
Keeping physical does do wonders | Image credit: Kike Vega | Unsplash

It’s no secret that exercising is a sure-fire way to get the endorphins going, and we need plenty of it! Lockdown rules would have limited outdoor activities and contact sports, so many are resorting to SOP-compliant indoor-doable workouts.

Channel those frustrations and restlessness into something healthy! Start off with low-intensity activities such as mindful breathing, walking, or yoga for us who aren’t already in the active habit. High-intensity work outs may be a little challenging to adapt to in the early stages, but this can be turned into a long-term goal. Get your mindset into a bootcamp-like excitement and the remaining period will go by like a breeze!

2. Down with Doomscrolling!

cracked phone screen but phone is still on
Don’t give into intrusive anger | Image credit: Marko Kovic | Unsplash

Social media can be a great place of information given that government-sanctioned official statements are often coming in incomplete. But, platforms like Twitter can overload on news, leaving you feeling worse at how much is out of control.

Experts have termed this situation ‘doomscrolling’. You intend to check on increasingly common things like the election, or PS5 releases. Your timeline however will be filled with upsetting news from all over the world, and there is plenty to be upset about.

To deal with this, try scheduling your time on social media, or get a trusted source to relay information to you. That ‘aunty’, ‘uncle’, or ‘mom’ friend will come in handy!

3. Control What You Can.

blank paper notebook filled with neat notes in black and yellow ink
Doodle and detail your day | Image credit: Estee Janssens | Unsplash

Routines are out the window where a normal workday is concerned. WFH isn’t without its benefits, but you’d be surprised how much simply getting ready to go to the office can influence your day. Some sources suggest maintaining that — getting up, dressed, and move by taking a turn around the house before setting down to work — can help. But take note, it takes a lot of discipline and motivation!

Some of us might find it easier to work in blocks. A whole day might be too much to plan out, so focus on what you can do for the next 30 minutes. You can compile a playlist to help with this, as suggested by this article. Should instrumentals not be your thing, ready-made playlists on Youtube and Spotify can keep you from focusing on jamming out instead!

Control over your day can also be exercised in making a checklist. Try breaking down tasks, or list things when you have completed them to show yourself how much you have managed to do.

4. Reach Out For Support.

boy and a friend resting head on shoulder for support, cape with word HELP spelled in black tape, mask with sad dead face
Your support is never too far away | Iluha Zavaley | Unsplash

Should you need some help (and we highly encourage it as no one should deal with mental health issues alone!), try contacting someone.

A trusted friend, a family member, or a sympathetic colleague would be ready to lend you an ear. Previous lockdown periods have shown that keeping in touch with somebody to share a joke or meme can boost moods.

For more professional, urgent needs, these contacts (for Malaysia) are available for help.

Stay indoors, keep clean, and remember, someone out there loves you!




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