Party 101: How to Throw One During a Pandemic

3 min readNov 4, 2020

It’s unbelievable, but we are down to the final quarter of this extremely eventful year! For many, it’s the first time experiencing a global pandemic, and the stress we carry from all the new normal definitely has taken a toll.

But the remaining holiday season is just what we need to keep the good vibes going. Here are some tips for throwing a feel-good party (but keep to pandemic precautions, of course)!

1. Keep it simple.

Deep clean your house only after the party. Set no agendas other than to have your favorite people over for a cozy, fun night in. Bar-hopping and dining in at restaurants are unadvisable for the foreseeable future, so keep an eye out for easy set meal deals, no-fuss take-outs. Do not pressure yourself to stick to old entertaining habits, and let people leave early.

2. Food is food.

Unless you want to impress with your MCO cooking skills and the patience to put a course meal together, comfort foods also work. A bag of chips is more likely to be completely devoured compared to a plate of spaghetti! To really minimize contact, encouraging guests to BYO and order in whatever they want to eat.

3. Intentional invites.

Does your party need to accommodate children? Are there going to be high-risk people on the list? Are the people you plan to have over compliant with additional pandemic ground rules? To keep the crowd numbers low (ideally 10 and less), invite only people you want around, and not just to save face.

4. Throw in a theme!

Spice things up with a themed party! Call it a pajama party for maximum comfort dressing, or give your guests a reason to glam up with a formal. A theme will help you set more fixed seating arrangements as well, and social distancing can be maintained.

5. Dish out some delegation.

As host, you have the final say in what happens in your home. Or if you are getting an event space together, work out a solid plan with the staff and lay some ground rules. Assign tasks to those who offer, or if someone can’t decide what to bring, get them to handle cutlery or clean-up.

6. Pass on the games.

Unless its specifically a game night, you don’t need to worry about preparing ice breakers. Let conversation take the room, and ease off the solitude built up during eight months of pandemic isolation and WFH/MCO struggling. Just be sure to have your guests keep their masks on until everyone can be seated to eat.

7. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!

Malaysia might be one of the countries that has Covid-19 cases under control, but you can never be too careful. A second wave is still possible about despite all the national precautions in place. Set up a station for guests to wash their hands as soon as they arrive, and ensure disinfection of high-contact areas such as door knobs and the washroom.

And just to cover ALL areas, here’s a handy link for saying NO (if you’re a guest). If someone bugs you to host a party and the ‘no’ and ‘later’ has been exhausted, make that person help in working out social distancing and cleanliness protocols.

Be careful, not just with the pandemic in mind, but also with the local municipality! Kuala Lumpur has been cracking down on parties and clubs, and the last thing you want is a hefty RM1,000 fine despite having your own SOPs in order.

As a young urbanite getting into the grind of taking on the world and all it has to offer, Hom is here to help you get settled into your dream co-living space. Find out if co-living is for you here.




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